Let Wallin Hester Lawyer Plan Finances

Organizing your own finances is a demanding task. Many factors are important in order to achieve systematic planning and secure the financial future. Many people now ask themselves; why consult a lawyer with finances? The answer is simple; because risk planning is an important part of financial planning.

The different aspects of financial planning with Wallin Hester lawyers


Debt Management

Debt has a number of reasons. Sometimes you are an unwanted burden, sometimes part of economic investment. But it is precisely in this area that it is important that contracts are optimally designed. The reason for this is that errors in financial planning cost time and money. It makes sense to hire a lawyer who deals with this issue and analyzes the current situation and develops a meaningful future. You can look for the Click here button when planning to book an appointment with a lawyer on their website.

Prevention management

Nobody is safe from emergency situations. If these develop into a personal and economic burden, the advice of a lawyer is recommended. The legal advisor will advise you on issues such as living wills, power of attorney and much more. You can get support in their office.

Asset structuring

A detailed analysis of the current situation and its assessment in legal and economic terms reveal potential risks. Your lawyer will recognize this and make appropriate preparations to enable sustainable asset management. This is how you get the most out of your financial resources.

Retirement Planning

Is your retirement safe? As a lawyer, they incorporate various legal framework conditions into the assessment and analysis of your current retirement structure. Lawyers can plan your finances efficiently with you.


Generation management

Your ideas and wishes are the focus of generation management. As lawyers, they support you in compliance with current tax, economic and legal framework conditions. Together with you, they will find implementation options and implement your ideas in a beneficial way.

Risk management

Planning finances in an advantageous manner also means removing unnecessary and adding useful things. This also applies to your current insurance. Are the services still up-to-date and the costs legitimate? Lawyers bring light into the dark and give you the right answers.

4 Financial Services Tech That You Can Leverage

Financial Services



Technological disruptions over a previous couple of decades have changed how we communicate, talk, make purchases, and do business. How consumers interact with their money, what they expect from financial institutions, and the way those organizations operate is what emerging technologies within the financial services industry have consistently disrupted.

Most importantly, a financial service group can greatly take pleasure in these technologies. Emerging technologies within the financial services industry like chatbots and automation reduce man-hours, improve the standard of customer relationships, and improve profitability. While the impact of recent technology in financial services will differ supported the function, you’ll likely adapt and greatly have the benefit of many of them.

Trends in Emerging Technologies within the Financial Services Industry

Expect these trends in emerging technologies for financial services described below to become a part of your institution’s technology stack, if they aren’t already.

1. Digital Experience Platforms For Banks

Modern technologies are allowing financial institutions to revolutionize an already relatively new technology in financial services, although digital experience platforms are nothing new. As an example, hybrid cloud (cloud/server) solutions give consumers both privacy and accessibility. Like real-time digitization, personalization, and advanced analytics, hybrid platforms also give real-time intelligent data integration.

One of the foremost important of those changes is that the addition of API platforms, where customers can integrate their banking data into other apps and vice-versa. Many organizations within the U.S. are following suit with the regulation within the EU forcing organizations to supply open API, although many financial institutions have fought API. Open banking offers numerous advantages to consumers, like sharing data to third-party budgeting apps and using money management tools, which might allow small financial organizations that can’t afford these amenities to supply them through third parties.

How are you able to take advantage? Offering a contemporary digital experience platform to customers through an internet portal will attract customers, will offer more value and can give customers the liberty to try and do what they require with data. Additionally, while cutting costs through automation and real-time data transfer, hybrid solutions offer increases in security.


ALSO READ: 5 Tips to Save More Money Buying Gadgets


2. Blockchain

While it’s still at a comparatively low adoption rate, Blockchain is an emerging financial services technology trend transforming the financial world as we all know it. Blockchain is that the technology behind Bitcoin, has been utilized by major banks like JP Morgan Chase, and is widely thought to be one of all the biggest opportunities for banks and other financial organizations today. As an example, Accenture estimates investment banks could save $10 billion by clearing and settling processes to the blockchain.

Blockchain is not yet readily accessible, although it is one of every of the most well-liked emerging technologies within the financial services industry. While most banks that are implementing blockchain solutions (including checking, money processing, trade finance, etc.) do so on their own, some organizations are developing wider solutions. Without the means to develop an answer, this could be a major impediment to smaller financial institutions. However, it’ll quickly become a mainstream solution for payments, fraud reduction, loan processing, smart contracts, and more with the rapid adoption of blockchain over the past few years.

3. Chatbots and Computing

Chatbots and other computer science solutions are increasingly a part of the digital transformation in banking. They’re popular amongst financial institutions of all sizes, with everyone from large-scale banks to tiny credit unions implementing them. While chatbots are the more publicly visible versions of computer science, AI impacts back-office, product delivery, risk management, marketing, and security. Clearing up many thousands of employee hours for top banks, machines use simple algorithms to complete everything from data entry to risk evaluation to loan form processing. With tools to automate specific processes like documentation, data sharing, data analysis, customer communication, and far more, these emerging technologies within the financial services industry are readily available for smaller banks in addition.

Where some institutions often come up short, here, the most important challenge is in delivering consistent quality in external processes like chatbots. Why many integrate solutions with manual regulation and management to forestall machine error is because many organizations also face issues referring to siloed data sets, regulatory compliance issues, and fear that AI won’t do the work. Supported the apprehension of monetary institutions, this just implies that the role of the latest technology in financial services might be delayed.

4. Automation in Financial Services

Robotic process automation or RPA is that the most typical tool used for automation, simply automating fixed and repetitive processes. Automation, unlike AI, uses a straightforward series of rules (If this = then that) to make relatively simple but reliable results. To handle digitization, approval, risk flagging, and so on, these pre-programmed rules can encompass structured data or unstructured data. In order that they improve over time supported increasing volumes of information, many also integrate learning patterns.

To come up with reports, logging data, automating repeatable processes, and maintaining logs, is RPAs primary function. For instance, by employing a programmed rule to automatically approve a payment if all conditions are met, RPA can manage instant payments. Another RPA would then log this transaction into documentation, move that documentation into a greater file, and update data across all apps and servers using the info.


Thousands of Businesses Are Affected By Technological Advancements

Technological innovations are changing the way countless companies work. It is customers in various sectors who benefit from these mostly customer-oriented developments. Today there are alarm systems that can detect toxic substances, medical devices that can save lives, and computer software that operates important health tools. The use of technology has brought about many changes in the financial sector in recent years. The ‘Global FinTech Report 2017’ by consultancy organization PwC shows that 77 percent of financial institutions want to invest more in innovation. In doing so, these companies aim to embrace the disruptive characteristics of FinTech. The underlying research shows that FinTech companies are a popular alternative for customers in making payments, transferring money, and taking out loans through alternative financing. In other areas, such as insurance and asset management, FinTech companies are less popular, but growth opportunities are certainly not ruled out. Specific areas where FinTech is most likely to disrupt and improve the customer journey are customer service, online banking, and fraud detection.

In cases of fraud, you can discuss matters with tested lawyers like those enlisted with LA Century Law. Understand your rights and what you can do in cases of fraud detection.

Customer service


Perhaps the biggest change in the financial sector as a result of the rise of FinTech is visible in customer service. In the past, it was essential for any financial services provider to have a strong customer service team on hand. After all, this industry is all about money and as soon as mistakes are made, they have to be solved quickly. Emotions can also run high in financial matters. So it was essential to have well-trained staff. Today this is different. Chatbots are developing rapidly and are already getting along well with customers. Algorithms based on artificial intelligence are trained and then learn on their own without further human intervention. Over time, the robot gets better and better, until it becomes indistinguishable from a human. There are already several videos online from Google, among others, showing how a robot performs human actions. Like a robot ordering a pizza over the phone, while the person on the other end of the line does not realize that he is communicating with a robot. An AI algorithm may not have human characteristics such as emotions, but why pay people when robots can do the work for free?

Online banking


In the past, banking was an activity that took place offline. Consumers went into town to withdraw money, make transfers and arrange financial matters at their bank. It was normal to talk to ‘real people in a ‘real’ shop. After all, it was about money. So this must be done safely, they thought. Nowadays it is still very exceptionally necessary to go to the bank branch. Most people born in this century have never been to a branch of a bank anyway. Because why would you? With an app, you can easily transfer money, view your balance, trade on the stock exchange and make bill payments. These developments could disrupt traditional banks. And if banks do not go along with this transition, they run a great risk. If you still have to go to the bank branch at bank X to open an account, but you can do this at home from the bank at FinTech start-up Y, the choice is easily made.

Fraud Detection


Investigating and identifying fraud has traditionally been a collaboration between man and machine. The computer helped identify potentially fraudulent practices, but in the end, it was a trained employee who made the decision and checked everything by hand. Artificial intelligence, however, is developing so quickly that it goes beyond the capacity of humans – and can therefore detect and prevent fraud completely independently. An AI-powered system can view a customer’s credit history and determine whether a transaction fits or not. It can then be seen as fraud and action can also be taken in the form of blocking transactions or warning the customer. This can all be done faster and more efficiently than if an employee does this, which obviously saves costs. All in all, these are just a few areas where technology can profoundly impact the financial sector. The main form of disruption is therefore also progression. This progress means that the existing people and processes are gradually becoming redundant and need to be replaced. This is a long-term development and it could be years before people really become redundant in the financial sector. But it is clear that many employees of traditional banks fear for their jobs. However, it has been clear for a long time that technology is developing towards a tipping point where technology is more efficient than the people who developed the system. This point is getting closer and closer as machines become smarter, faster, and less error-prone.

Singapore’s Monetary Authority to Begin Work on Payments Linkage with Malaysia

Last week, The Monetary Authority of Singapore announced of government plans of pursuing a phased linkage of its PayNow payment systems with Malaysia’s DuitNow.

Once the first phase of linkage achieves completion the linked payment systems between the two countries will enable participating financial institutions to offer customers, real-time fund transfer services between Singapore and Malaysia using their mobile number. Moreover, the linkage will also let customers make retail purchases and pay for them using the DuitNow or NRTS QR codes displayed by participating stores.

In July of this year, Singapore’s Bank for International Settlements and the Monetary Authority of Singapore revealed the plan as well issued a set of guidelines specifically pertaining to multilateral linking of domestic real-time payment systems beyond and across borders.

The Singapore-Malaysia Payment Systems Linkage is Actually Part of a Greater Plan



The greater significance of linking the two payment systems is the enhancement of seamless fund transfers of large amounts of remittances between the two countries, which even reached $1.3 billion last year. The linkage comes just after the successful completion of a similar project involving The Reserve Bank of India’s Unified Payment Interface. Fund transfers between customers in Singapore and India are now more affordable since the reciprocity eliminates the need to process transactions using a third party payment system.

The project has been named Project Nexus, as it envisions the creation of “Nexus Gateways.” The goal is to synchronize all compliance, message translations, sequencing of payments, and foreign exchange conversion of all participating financial institutions. The project also includes the tie-up between Thailand’s PromptPay and Singapore’s PayNow that was launched last April 2021.

High Returns Mean Profitable Investments?

Investment professionals know that the highest return is not always the best return. If you want to invest your saved money profitably, you have to carefully examine investments with high returns. It is important to have a certain amount of mistrust when investing your money. High-interest rates in the double-digit range usually go hand in hand with equally high risks for the loss of total capital.

Profitable investments are not based exclusively on a good return, but rather on the right balance between collateral and profit opportunities.

investments with high returns

Therefore, not every investment with a high return is a successful investment

Where are the best interest rates for a high return? If investors deal with promised interest rates before investing their capital, they should not automatically invest their money in the first investment opportunity in the double-digit interest rate range. However, high returns of this kind may be included in the portfolio. A good return is of little use if there is no distribution before the loss of capital.

A good return starts at 4% pa

There is talk of financial investment with a high return starting at 4% pa. In the current low-interest market, you will not achieve this interest rate if you invest your money in classic investments such as savings books. Most savings accounts don’t even hit 2% these days. But it should be at least as much so that the invested capital does not experience devaluation due to inflation. If you want to invest money profitably, minimum interest rates of between 4 and 5% pa are required.

Where to get the most interest on money?

High returns are in the double-digit range. They can be the prospect for securities, funds and other stock market products, for example. As a saver with limited capital, you should invest little or no money in most of these investment opportunities. High-interest rates of this kind characterize high-risk investments and therefore encourage healthy mistrust. Investments of this kind shouldn’t gain the upper hand on your portfolio. According to studies, the best overall return is waiting for investors who distribute their capital across various types of investment and classes.

Trading Robot – Automated Stock And Futures Exchange

Robot Trading. Many day traders who trade a precisely defined strategy every day soon want to automate trading. There are many trading platforms on the market that allow the creation of trading robots. The most popular of these are available for free and allows you to trade CFDs and Forex.

However, many underestimate the complexity of programming and properly testing these automatic trading systems. In this article we look at the trading algorithm and testing of these trading robots as part of growing technology and its impact on trading.

Read also: The Impact of Technology on Stocl Trading

This article is the beginning of a series of texts and videos on the implementation of automatic trading ideas in day trading. Articles on the topics of backtests, tips & tricks for programming, the definition of trading strategies, and others are planned.

The trading algorithm

An algorithm is a clear rule for solving a problem, in this case, a precise definition for buying, selling, and determining position sizing in stock exchange trading. It is the basis for every trading robot and assumes that a trading strategy can be precisely described and defined. Things like “the chart actually looks short” or “my gut feeling tells me to exit the trade now” are not enough. The algorithm defines how the trading idea on which the robot is based is implemented in detail. Trading ideas can relate to the evaluation of one or more indicators or take advantage of market behavior ( breakouts from consolidation zones, gap closings, etc.).

A well-defined set of instructions needs at least:

  • Rules for entering a position
  • Rules for exiting a position
  • Rules for choosing position size – an often underestimated part of the strategy

Defining these rules forces you as a day trader to think carefully about the elements of your strategy and write them down. You should have already done this in your trading plan if you have been trading this method manually up to now!

Testing trading systems

Almost all robots have a set of parameters that can be used to influence trading. These can be, for example, settings for the stop-loss limit, the period length of a moving average indicator, or the position size. Testing trading programs with historical data to optimize these parameters is called “backtesting”. The English term has also become common in German literature on the subject, and this applies to almost all terms in this context. Some programs, such as the Metatrader program presented below, offer the option of automatically optimizing the input parameters.

You will often find that a successfully tested robot with fresh current data (“forward test”) fails. The problem goes back to the over-optimization of the parameters on the old data, the so-called “curve fitting”. The parameters are then precisely adapted to the test data and only earn money in this previous period. Example: If you find that your system makes money with a moving average length of 11.15 and 17 but loses money with 12.13.14 etc., then the system is not robust enough for live trading.

When calculating performance, you should also exclude random hits, as these can distort the track record and create unrealistic expectations of the system. There is a separate article on this with a simple method.

Testing and evaluating trading systems is a complex activity. The subject is so extensive that books have already been written about it. That is why we can only give initial general information here in this article, but we are planning further articles on this.

At this point, a warning about a stumbling block brings down many system developers. Many developers try to stick to a losing system because they put a lot of effort into design and implementation. Be honest with yourself! It hurts to retire a system you’ve been writing on for weeks. However, it’s still better than losing money all the time.


5 Tips to Save More Money Buying Gadgets

iPhone 12


Are you planning to obtain a new MacBook or even the most recent smartphone? Significant buying choices, particularly associated with gadgets, are usually foiled by poor preparation, and saving abilities. Whatever it’s you’re eyeing, the buy would feel rewarding if it does not leave a dent in your savings. That is the reason stowing away money beforehand and saving cash for your fantasy gadgets is a fantastic idea.

Additionally, given the present situation including all the significant e-commerce not providing non-essential things, you’ve got the ideal chance to save all of the money you might otherwise have spent shopping. We’ve put together a list of additional useful methods to offer you a head begin to conserve the cash for purchasing a costly dream gadget.

1. Select Your Loan Or EMIs Constantly

If you’re in severe need of a brand fresh notebook or smartphone or some other gadget, then choosing no credit check electronics financing or swiping your charge card for EMI functions may appear that the ideal alternative. But, financial experts advocate this as an erroneous path. The interest rates will merely accumulate, and you are going to wind up paying additional for your gadget. So what is the ideal way out? We suggest that you select a loan that provides a competitive private loan with a rate of interest that stays unchanged during the tenure.

Most loans include a range of appealing features, such as the next.

  • Know your loan eligibility immediately — It is fast and may be done in a few moments
  • 100 percent electronic and paperless application procedure — No physical record entry
  • Aggressive private loan interest rates — Interest rate stays unchanged during the tenure
  • Adaptive loan tenures — By 12 months to 60 months
  • Easy & flexible loan repayment — Handle your loan against the program
  • Immediate disbursal for repaying loans — Eligible customers will get a pre-approved offer

Moreover, in regards to loans, you will find just two different types. The ideal type and the incorrect type! Loans for education, home, and companies count as great loans since that’s an investment that can give ROI later on. Gadgets come below ingestion, and they will not yield returns; therefore it’s far much better to tack on gadgets from stored cash instead of borrowed cash.

2. Prevent Retail Therapy

Retail treatment might provide you an idea of satisfaction initially, however, it will not last more than two-three days. The bill, however, remains! Rather, when it has to do with relieving anxiety, indulge in cheap activities like baking, exercise, volunteering, or even just a walk at the park. This can allow you to unwind and last more than real items where you’ll only splurge cash.


ALSO READ: Net Worth – What Is It And Why It Is Important?


3. Spend Money On Requires Not Wants

The biggest reason people aren’t saving nowadays is due to splurging on matters which aren’t needed. Right from clothing to outside dining twice per week, all this represents your ‘needs’ rather than ‘wants’.

If you’re seriously interested in purchasing your dream gadget, then create a funding journal and begin thinking down where the majority of your money moves. Thus, place a predetermined budget for every month and then cut back on unnecessary expenditures. That saved money could be led to your future dream gadget.

4. Produce An Different Finance Using A Goal Amount And Timeline

If you’re fighting with the notion of saving money, the ideal thing to do would be to prepare short-term finance for your dream gadget. Make sure a part of your salary/monthly earnings is automatically deducted over the first evening of this month on this fund. This is a great practice for those that are yet to restrain their financial urges.

Additionally, setting a deadline with this fund will allow you to knowingly deposit cash inside and purchase that gadget which you would like.

5. Adopt Earn-Save-Spend Ideology

Sticking to a crucial part of the financial economy would be to embrace the ‘Earn-Save-Spend’ ideology for a lifetime. The majority of us are inclined to begin with this ‘Earn-Spend-Save’ frame of mind after we originally start functioning. While that’s fine at first, this won’t help you attain your Financial Advice, let alone the cash that you would like for your dream gadget.

Hence, gradually shift into the ‘Earn-Save-Spend’ ideology, and you’ll have the ability to save money maybe not only for gadgets but also for other significant landmarks too.

At a time of societal outbreak such as COVID-19, together with incomes deducted and changes from the wages for nearly everyone, these conserving habits be convenient. And with little without spending aside from everyday survival, you should begin cultivating these customs at the moment. Look on the lighter aspect of this pandemic and hang out there.


Video-ID Interview Engine Deemed as an Excellent Onboarding Tool for EU

A live video interview when onboarding a new customer, using a new Video-ID technology is deemed as the best method of carrying out ID verification processes. In the European region to which the EU Commission prescribes stringent Know-Your-Customer (KYC) processes, tech innovator HooYu recently launched its Video-ID engine in Germany and Spain.

What is a Video-ID Engine

HooYu’s Video-ID is a program that enables an agent or representative to conduct a live video interview with an onboarding customer via a web browser, whilst simultaneously performing facial biometrics and real-time detection of identification cards and documents like passports and residence permits.


The use of this HooYu product is regarded as a worthy and sound alternative to carrying out ID-verification by asking a customer to download an application just for the purpose of participating in a provider’s ID-verification requirement. The latter method creates a poor user experience that increases the possibility of customers abandoning the onboarding journey altogether.

How Does HooYu’s Video ID Improve Customer Onboarding Experience?

Aside from eliminating the need for customers to download an application, the live video interview conducted by the provider’s agent is faster. In light of its capability to perform facial biometrics and document verification while a live interview is ongoing, customers no longer wait before the provider complete the onboarding process.

To cite an example, a HooYu Video-ID program configured and customised for the German market, enables an interviewer to initiate a Schufa database identity-check as a means of confirming the name, address and birthday of the onboarding customer. It could also conduct mortality checks in conjunction with or independent of the Video-ID interview process.

The Impact of Technology on the Stock Market

Stock Market


Technological improvements have affected a lot of companies, authorities, social lives, and schooling.

These days, individuals are able to quickly access tools and information that they have to keep and operate their companies. Among the locations which have been heavily influenced by tech is that the stock exchange. If you would like to be prosperous in stock trading, then you must adopt the technology. For example an investor or investor, you might have understood how technology will help become a fantastic investor. Listed here are various ways technology affects stock markets.

Stock Agents and Tech

Before, traders in the stock market were able to shout out orders. They’d collect about the stock trading region and start yelling matches. As luck would have it, that’s no more the situation, as trading was made much simpler. These days, you don’t need to shout orders and you may readily receive the best stocks from exploring online.

Additionally, research has significantly enhanced. In years past people had to search for information from the library, contact providers, and examine fiscal literature. Now you can get the info that you need about various companies readily. Such features are being utilized by stock brokerage firms such as AJ Bell (read the AJBell reviews to learn more about them).

Digital Stock Trading

Technology has altered how individuals trade. For example, technology led to high-tech trading. That is where dealers need to buy and sell shares in a brief period. High-frequency trading can be referred to as trading.

It has a massive influence on people’s lives. That’s as it’s straightforward to create investments in inventory trading using minimal danger. In reality, you may also make a great deal of cash within one moment. Investors who are looking to make massive investments will probably always sense a fantastic influence on the yields.

Tracking Real-time Stock Performance

The usage of innovative computers has made it effortless to get and sell shares. In addition, it makes showing them very simple. This makes it to get investors or agents to be aware of the Share costs of a certain inventory and find the details in a couple of seconds. Additionally, you can find the info that you can trust. If you would like to put money into a specific business, you are able to readily collect a great deal of information regarding the firm before you spend your hard-earned cash.

Additionally, technology has significantly decreased the incidences of individual errors in trades. That’s due to the fact that nearly all of the trades are actually made by innovative computers. It’s simple to research about the organization’s advancement and pick the ideal investment and shut your transaction if you believe it’s at great risk. That explains why a lot of individuals opt for daily trading since it’s less risky.

The creation of the world wide web and technology would be the best revolutions. That’s because they’ve altered how folks execute their companies and also make transactions.

Utilization of Programs in Trading

Different stock trading programs are developed. These programs have made it a lot simpler to get the stock markets. Additionally, stock trading suppliers which are technology-driven have fewer overheads leading to a radical decrease in fees. You should notice that many traders and investors are switched off by enormous commissions since they decrease their overall earnings. With reduced prices, investors are now able to exchange any provided amounts and make wealth.


ALSO READ: P2P Payment Apps – Making Mobile and Online Banking Better Than Ever


The simple fact that these programs can be set up on smartphones means that they enable people to exchange anytime and anyplace. Therefore, individuals are less limited so far as stock trading is worried. The fantastic thing about the restricted method is the fact that it opens up a lot of chances that change how stock transactions are performed. As an example, it is possible to discover a good deal of sites that offer free trading. Using a demo account, you can understand the fundamentals of stock trading before you begin trading with real cash.

Speedy Transactions

You may agree that many trades are done immediately. In years past transactions were performed by crying from 1 individual to another and via phones. Now they’re performed online. As a consequence of trades that are rapid, more transactions are being implemented. As the marketplace changes occur, investors are now able to respond as swiftly as possible. Quick responses to this new information mean the markets continue changing faster than ever before.

Easy Decision Making

With easy accessibility to the world wide web, individuals are able to get the info that they require. In this manner, it is possible to readily make conclusions. As opposed to relying upon other people’s investigation and guidelines, they are now able to download business reports and create their own decisions if the investment is great or not. Additionally, the info that you get is comprehensive as many technological tools may examine it to you. Therefore, you’ve got all you want to make informed choices. A whole good deal of organizations provides you real-time details on stock markets. In this manner, they supply you with a chance to see prospective tendencies you need to capitalize on getting the most out of this ever-changing stock exchange.

Sporadic Shifts

It’s crucial to be aware that not all facets of technologies are useful from the stock exchange. There are instances where the inventory moves are discovered to have been actuated by false signs. Considering how fast information is disseminated within this age, there are cases where shareholders have depended upon misleading info. Additionally, automated trading has eliminated the demand for market signs. Additionally, automated transactions are discovered to cause abrupt shifts and fear within stock markets. Well, technology has also shown to help correct these scenarios.

Technology has revolutionized several businesses and regions of the earth. For example, it’s enhanced the standard of lifestyle, rapid fabricating, and has generated many elements of life more efficient and productive. The stock exchange and financial markets also have obtained their reasonable dose of technologies. These are a few of many techniques technology is changing the potential for stock trading. If technologies are eliminated from stock trading now, enormous losses will happen. It’s a proven fact to state that tech has had a huge effect on stock markets, and it’s likely to shape their own future. Bear in mind that technology has its own merits and demerits in stock trading and the monetary industry.


P2P Payment Apps – Making Mobile and Online Banking Better Than Ever

P2P or person-to-person payment is a financial method that enables customers to transfer funds to another person using their credit card or bank account. Users simply access a payment-transfer application installed in a mobile device, laptop or PC. of a mobile Banks develop or collaborate with a third party provider of P2P platform, to give customers the ability to transfer money to another person, even if the latter does not maintain a bank account with the servicing bank.

Once the sender makes a money transfer, the recipient will be notified by way of email, about the money transferred to his or her bank account, whilst referencing a specific transaction code. The P2P system does not require senders and recipients to have a deposit account with the same bank.

How P2P Payment Method Works

Even before the development of P2P applications, the majority of e-commerce merchants who have been accepting online payments, used payment processors like PayPal. As mobile banking likewise enabled device users to make payments, PayPal introduced a mobile banking app that enabled their customers to make direct payments to the bank accounts of merchants or peers without need to pass through PayPal’s e-wallet platform. .

Today, there’s a broad selection of P2P mobile payment apps that enable family and friends to transfer and receive funds. Some of the leading providers of P2P mobile apps, in addition to PayPal, are Google, Venmo and Xoom. Actually, even Facebook offers person-to-person payments through credit unions and banks.

Tips For Getting Your Business Funded

Starting or expanding a business is an exciting and long-term process. Finding the necessary financing to take your business to the next level can often be a major stumbling block. Many lenders are skeptical of young companies. This article, therefore, discusses ways to get external financing for your business and we conclude with some short tips to pitch your business plan to the lender. Financing your business is often an important step towards a better company.

Since the banking crisis of 2007, confidence in banks has declined sharply. In response to this, the popularity of P2P (peer-to-peer) platforms has skyrocketed. These platforms act independently of traditional financial institutions and serve as a meeting place for entrepreneurs and potential investors. A good crowdfunding campaign with a well-thought-out business plan can be a very effective way to raise capital. Investors of all sizes such as ‘Robert Lewandowski Bitcoin’ can invest an amount of their choice in your company and thus provide your plans with the necessary financial support.

Private investors
Angel Investors (also known as Business Angels) are private investors who want to invest (part of) their equity in a start-up company in exchange for 20 to 25 percent profit on their initial investment. These are often successful former entrepreneurs who are willing to provide knowledge and expertise in addition to capital. Only if your company is a BV or NV, you can therefore attract such professional investors. Informal investors offer money in exchange for shares. They will therefore like to remain intensively involved in the business process even after the start. Depending on your personal expectations, this can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Be aware of your interest (the company) and that of the investor (the return) and try to build an open and personal relationship with your lenders.

Personal capital
You may not think that this form of financing is very creative, but you might be surprised at the number of starters who have not thought of saving a nice amount before starting their business, or who wouldn’t think of using their own savings to start a business. Very few investors are willing to offer money when they see that you are not willing to put your hand in the fire for your cause. Financing your business often starts with investing the money yourself.

Advance Financing
The most common scaling problem that start-ups face is the inability to take a large new order or expand due to unforeseen success, as they do not have the capital to finance the product or expansion. With PIN Advance you have extra money that is immediately available. This way you can transfer all the necessary resources directly to the supplier and the profit can flow directly to your startup.

Starters BMKB
Have you been active as an entrepreneur for less than three years? Do you have a well-thought-out business plan, but do you currently not have collateral to provide the bank with sufficient security? Then the bank with which you want to apply for a business loan can use the Starters BMKB. This is a special government scheme to help start-ups when it comes to financing their business. If you take out a ‘starter loan’ of a maximum of 266,667 euros, the government guarantees 67.5% of this amount. Do you need more capital? Then you can also use a standard surety credit.

Australian Consumers Benefiting from the Growth of the Fintech Industry

Demand for financing facilities has always been high in Australia, more so now that many Australians are experiencing financial hardship due to the pandemic. However, loans being offered by Australian banks are not always accessible, or for that matter, affordable to ordinary citizens and small businesses. Through the years, as the need for affordable and easy to access loans saw a continuing rise in Australia, a new breed of financial service providers known as fintechs have introduced a novel approach to both investing and lending.

Why Borrowing from Banks are Next to Impossible for Ordinary Consumers

Since banking institutions loan out money using funds entrusted to them by their depositors, it’s important that the risks involved in doing so is minimal. Moreover, lending among traditional banks is generally profit-driven. Primarily because they cannot use money deposited by clients to pay for their day-to-day banking operations.

Bank loans are often difficult to avail even for small and medium enterprises (SME), as not many in this group have already attained proven track records, or have extensive credit histories; or even own real estate assets to offer as collateral.

Through fintechs, consumers and SMEs can take out loans by way of peer-to-peer lending that banks cannot match.

What is Peer-to-Peer Lending?

Apart from technological innovations that allow fintechs to be more flexible and agile in providing financial services, fintechs introduced peer-to-peer lending, a.k.a. P2P, as a way of sourcing funds to lend to consumers and SMEs.

Peer-to-peer (P2P) lending is a method of enabling individuals to borrow money directly from ordinary people who have surplus money to invest. Through a platform, fintechs offer lending to individuals as a form of investment, denoting that the funds invested will be offered as loans to those looking to borrow money under less rigid conditions.

The interests collected from corresponding borrowers will then serve as profits of individual investors, which are of course higher than interests earned, if funds were placed as savings and time deposits in banks.

That being the case, fintechs apply due diligence in evaluating the creditworthiness of borrowers, but at lesser overhead costs. While those with poor credit history may apply for a P2P loan, the interest rate imputed will be higher, as the borrower will be classified under the high risk category.

Currently, as there are numerous fintechs offering their P2P lending services, Australians can now shop around for the best deals, usually with the help of a finance broker. The latter after all, better understands the terms and conditions pertaining to a loan, and how those can impact a borrower’s personal finances. Although the lending process, such as the transfer of money and collection of monthly payments are automated, negotiations or haggling is possible with P2P financing.

How Leading Finance Broker National Loans Australia Can Help

When planning to avail a loan, whether from a bank or through a fintech, it would be best to hire a finance broker who understands all the intricacies of lending practices and processes. As licensed finance brokers, the team members of National Loans Australia (NLA), help individual borrowers sort out all the financing options available as responses to the pre-approval loan forms sent out to banks and financing institutions.

One thing that makes NLA finance brokers a cut above the rest is that they have had more than 24 years of experience in brokering bespoke loans for their clients. In turn, their track record as finance brokers have enabled them to build successful relationships with banks and other financial institutions, including fintechs.

Net Worth – What Is It And Why It Is Important?

Net worth – what is it exactly? A lot of us would wonder what this is and why it matters.

Your net worth is the amount of money you have when you minus all of your liabilities from your assets. It is the difference of what you own between what you owe. If you are able to calculate this and your assets surpass your liabilities, this would mean that your net worth is on the positive. On the other hand, if your assets are lower than your liabilities, your net worth is on the negative. The higher your net worth, the greater your value is on paper. While many have an average net worth, there are those who have high-net-worth and those who have ultra-high-net-worth. Check out https://pillarwm.com/why-it-matters-ultra-high-net-worth-or-high-net-worth/ to know more about this.


Positive Net Worth And Negative Net Worth – What It Means

Knowing your net worth matters as it can reveal a lot of things. A negative figure would mean that you owe more than what you own and a positive figure means you own more than what you owe which is a good thing. However, having a negative net worth doesn’t automatically signify that you are careless or irresponsible when it comes to your finances. It simply indicates that, at present, you have more liabilities compared to assets.

Your net worth, similar to the stock market, can fluctuate. But, similar to the stock market as well, the overall trend is what’s vital. Ideally or if at all possible, your net worth should continue to increase as you grow older since you should’ve paid off some of your debts, build home equity, obtain more valuable assets and more. It is typical for your net worth to drop at one point as you start to dip into your investments as well as your savings for your retirement.

Why Is Net Worth Significant

We all have different financial goals as we have varied financial circumstances. Because of this, it isn’t easy to determine and set a standard net worth that would be true to all. Rather, you will need to establish your own net worth, both in the short and long term. 

With a positive and high-enough net worth, you will most likely have the capability to obtain more assets. As you acquire more assets, you carry on to grow your net worth. This is one major reason why the wealthy keep getting wealthier as they have high-net-worth as well as the needed liquidity to obtain more assets.

In the end, it is always wise to strive to grow your net worth since a high enough net worth will definitely aid you in reaching not only your financial goals but your life goals as well. Visit https://pillarwm.com/why-it-matters-ultra-high-net-worth-or-high-net-worth/ to learn more.

Visa Announces Plan to Rollout Cryptocurrency Platform by Year End

Visa, the credit card company formerly seen as an enemy of the crypto industry has made a turnabout by becoming a new major supporter of the bitcoin community, This leading credit card company has recently announced plans of releasing a crypto software program by the end of the year. Moreover, banks will be involved in supporting Visa’s cryptocurrency trading and buying services.


Anchorage, a leading digital asset custodian, has in fact become the first digital asset bank in the U.S. The recognition came after the U.S Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) awarded Anchorage, a national trust charter. Anchorage is one of several banks that will provide storage services for Visa cryptocurrency users.

 What Has Been Causing the Bitcoin Boom?

Bitcoin’s value recently rose to a record high $46,000 as robust trading continues to propel bitcoin into the mainstream of the global financial market. Paid endorsements from celebrities like Lindsay Lohan helped boost trading, while the more conventional Wall Street investors began taking interest in bitcoin investments.

The BTC boom is also attributed to Paypal’s rollout of a  platform that allows millions of Paypal users to use bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in completing online transactions. Paypal by the way is a one of Visa’s strongest rivals.

The latest spike occurred last week, after Tesla’s and SpaceX’s CEO Elon Musk made mention of Tesla’s $1.5 billion investment in bitcoin.

What To Consider When Looking For A Debt Collection Agency

Regardless of the size of your company or business is, lending your clients credit is a symbol of good faith that you trust they would pay back their debts to you. Regrettably, at times businesses and companies are undervalued and taken for granted that debts are left unpaid. In the event you have exhausted all measures and efforts to collect what are due to you, you may want to consider hiring the service of a debt collection agency, such as Frontline Collections. To make certain the job is done right and effectively, it is essential that you do your research and are careful when choosing an agency. This is crucial since not every debt collection agency make use of the same collection practices and technologies.

Choosing A Debt Collection Agency To Work With

Although there are clever ways to avoid the process of debt collection, hiring a professional debt collection agency is at times the best move to take. After all, you have a company or business to manage and run, and handling clients with delinquent accounts could drain not only your energy but also your time, patience as well as your resources. With that, here are some things to take into consideration when choosing a debt collection agency to partner with in the debt collection process.

Know Their Specialization

Look for an agency that specializes in the kind of business you run, and agency that has had relevant experience collecting debts within your industry. Ask for recommendations or suggestions from your local chamber of commerce, your lawyer, accountant, or from other business contacts that you have.

Create A List Of Potential Collection Agencies

When you are able to get recommendations, create a list so you can assess each of the agencies and by setting up a meeting with those who have met your needs for them to give you a better picture of the services they provide. Prepare any questions you may have, including the type of technologies they make use of for the collection process.

Ask About Their License

Don’t forge to ask the collection agency about their license. Some agencies are licensed to collect in all states whereas others are only permitted to collect in certain states. If the agency is licensed to collect in all states, know if they do skip tracing, wherein they trace the debtor making use of databases particularly if the debtor relocates and doesn’t leave any address or contact information. If the agency is only licensed in a number of states, then they won’t be able to do skip tracing and collect the debt.

Know If They Have Insurance

An insurance is imperative as this will give the collection agency but you as well protection in the event the debtor decides to take legal actions.

Discuss Fees

Of course, a debt collection agency is a business and so they have fees to be paid. Discuss with them how much they charge, if their fees are dependent on the amount of debt they collect or if there’re setup fees. Also discuss with them their success rate in terms of collecting debts to make certain their fees are justifiable.

Technological Innovations in Accident Investigations and Reconstructions

When local police officers arrive in a traffic accident scene, they have to investigate and gather important and accurate data in the quickest way possible. The good news is that there are now technological innovations that law enforcement authorities use in investigating, analyzing and reconstructing traffic accidents.

While there is a need to investigate, analyze, and determine the circumstances surrounding the vehicular accident, policemen at the site also have a compelling duty to complete their data gathering and investigation in the shortest time possible. That way, the roads can be reopened immediately and resume with the regular flow of traffic.

Traditionally, a trained police officer will be in charge of consolidating data to use in reconstructing the car accident. He will generate a triangulated and scaled sketch of the accident site using basic tools such as a 20-meter distance measuring device, a sketch pad, a pencil and a camera.

Advanced Techniques in Investigating and Reconstructing Traffic Accidents

Today, well-funded lawn enforcement offices use computerization and advancements in communication technology in conducting investigation and data collection in road traffic accidents.

The latest technology developed for this purpose involves the use of a drone. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is remotely operated to take full range aerial shots of the accident site by way of photographs and video footage.

Advanced models of drones have the capability to send the photographs and video directly to the PC hosting the traffic reconstruction software. The AI will in turn process the information to create 3D models. When footage of a surveillance camera is available, the AI will also use the information in creating 3D models not only of the accident scene but also in analyzing the physics involved at the time of the collision.

In using advanced traffic collision investigation technology, policemen at the site can immediately clear the road and get vehicular traffic moving again. Moreover, it will also take less time to produce a traffic reconstruction report that will make disputes over car accidents faster to resolve. Mainly because the 3D models can provide all the measures needed and the different angles of images collected as evidence of the car accident. The traffic reconstruction report can be generated in a matter of one to two minutes.

Importance of Accident Investigation Report and Accident Reconstruction in Resolving Car Collision Disputes

A traffic investigation report and an accident reconstruction of a car accident is useful in determining the driver at fault; working effectively toward the speedy settlement of any claims for damages.

However, there are cases when the insurance adjuster of the errant driver refuses to pay a reasonable amount of settlement, especially when there are bodily injuries involved. In such cases, the aggrieved party will be constrained to file a lawsuit in order to claim just compensation that may include loss of income due to hospitalization and/or other stressful situations caused by the car collision.

In such cases, the legal complainant or plaintiff will need more than a traffic reconstruction report to support the amount being claimed as just personal injury settlement. In case a plaintiff has limited financial resources, he can always consult with a lawsuit funding company if his personal injury claim qualifies for a lawsuit loan, just so he can pursue the litigation action until a legal judgment is rendered.

After all, lawsuit loans do not require fees. The amount of cash advance, will be collected from the plaintiff once the court orders the defendant to pay the compensation being claimed as just settlement. Moreover, lawsuit funding companies extend the amount advanced under a no-recourse agreement, which denotes that if the plaintiff loses, he does not have to pay the amount advanced by the lending company.

Still, there are other terms and conditions to consider before contracting for a lawsuit loan and its important to choose a lender wisely. Just like any loan or cash advance, payment of lawsuit loans also comes with interests.

What is Open Banking and Why Do Bank Clients Like It?

Open banking is a financial service that allows third parties to act as intermediaries in facilitating financial transactions between banks and clients via the API.

The latter refers to the Application Programming Interface (API) technology that makes banking practice more convenient for consumers, as the platform links consumer accounts with different financial institutions and service providers. Mainly because data will be accessible to third-party providers who will carry out full completion of financial transactions between clients, consumers and financial institutions when initiated online.

Whereas before, clients can make same-day, real-time transfers of money to another bank account only if such account is maintained in the same banking institution In open banking, through the API of a third party intermediary, the fund transfer can take effect in real time even if the recipient account is maintained in a banking institution that is different from the transferring bank.

Other Potential Advantages of Open Banking

Open Banking technology has been proven as very useful as it provides a new alternative especially in times of pandemic:

1.  With open banking, it shows potential that it can increase sources of revenue as customers who engage in online income-earning opportunities will have increased capabilities to perform online transactions through financial institutions.

2.  Open banking can also assist money lenders in determining the customer’s financial circumstances and risk levels. The open data related to applicant-borrowers makes the evaluation and decision-making processes easier for lenders when giving consumers practical and manageable loan or credit terms.

3.  As smaller banks engage in open banking, the bigger and well-known banks would be constrained to make their rates and services more competitive against newer and unfamiliar banks. As a result, larger banks would be pressured in providing better client service, use newer technologies to decrease banking costs being shifted to clients.

Understanding APK or iOS-ASP as Prerequisite for Downloading a Mobile Casino App

In Southeast Asia, gamblers overcome the difficulty of accessing online casinos by downloading the dedicated mobile app of a specific online gambling website. To do this however, users of Android supported devices have to first download an Android Package Kit a.k.a. APK. iPhone users on the other hand, have to download the iOS App Store Package (ASP).

However, caution must be observed when obtaining APK or ASP files because they are also used as tools for downloading malware or spyware; or in some cases, may contain stolen applications — any of which, can put a smart device at risk. The best step to take is to download the APK or ASP from the official source recommended by the related mobile app developer, or to be specific, by the online casino agent.

Why is APK or ASP a Prerequisite to Downloading a Mobile Casino App?


In understanding why we need to install APK or ASP files in our device when downloading a mobile casino app, we must first know their function.

Generally, Google maintains a policy of not allowing or supporting gambling apps of unregulated online casinos and sports betting operators; including applications offered by affiliate websites run by online casino or sports betting agents. Although the most popular online casinos in Southeast Asian countries are operated by licensed and regulated online gambling operators, as far as Google Play Store is concerned, mobile apps are unregulated if deployed in countries that ban gambling activities.

iPhones on the other hand, cannot access any kind of mobile application that is not supported by the Apple Play Store.

Nonetheless, the way to go around such restriction is to first download an Android Package Kit (APK) for Android-supported devices; or the iOS App Store Package (ASP) files for iOS gadgets. An APK or ASP package contains the file format used by the Android operating system or Iphone operating system, in distributing and installing middlewares, mobile applications and mobile games.

Once the appropriate file formats are properly installed in a mobile gadget, smartphone users can then access and download the related mobile applications recognized by the file format, which otherwise would not be accessible to them in their respective country or region. Gamblers located in countries that prohibit gambling, will have direct communication with the online casino platform. At the same time, their gambling activities remain private and out of reach to gambling watchdogs.

Citing 918Kiss as Case Example for APK or ASP Use

918kiss online casino is one of the most popular online gambling sites accessed by millions of online gamblers across Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore and Brunei. The popularity of 918Kiss mainly lies on its trait as a regulated gambling platform. Moreover, the online casino is supported by major igaming proponents like Playtech, Real Time Gaming and Spade Gaming, all are licensed and certified fair and safe by gambling regulators.

Those looking to download the 918Kiss mobile app must first obtain the APK or ASP, whichever is applicable, from a trusted 918Kiss agent like esibet dot com. The agent’s website provides instructions on how to enable the appropriate fike formats in downloading the 918Kiss mobile app.

As a security procedure, a registering member must first make contact with a 918Kiss support staff, who will carry out the identification and onboarding processes. If no problem is encountered and the required deposit has been made, the 918Kiss support staff will provide the new online casino member with a password to use.


As registered members of the 918Kiss online casino, the password will serve as the key for unlocking and accessing the broad selection of online casino slots and table games listed in the dropdown menu.

Technology progress – curse or blessing?

Technology sometimes evolves so quickly that it seems we have no control over its development. Their progress does not follow a technical but above all a social logic. What seems safe today may already be obsolete tomorrow.

New technology is constantly penetrating everyday lives: While inventions such as the railroad, the car, and even the telephone took decades to establish themselves across the board and to become a natural part of work and private life, the computer and the Internet made it to a large extent shorter time. Technical change is accelerating and with it the social change it has triggered.

Technical constraint?

Modern societies seem to be driven by technical innovations: You can hardly avoid them, but experience them as a kind of practical constraint that dominates you and dictates how you should use them. And companies such as Forex broker are literally forced to keep up with the enormous pace of the technological arms race, which is constantly generating innovative products.

The social construction of technology

A good example of this social logic is the history of the electric car: at the beginning of the 20th century, the electric motor was the most common form of drive until it was ousted by the internal combustion engine. Technically speaking, a lot spoke in favor of the electric motor. There were sufficient technical expertise and industrial know-how in the emerging electronics industry. In spite of this, an alliance of different interest groups finally pushed through the internal combustion engine. In addition to the wealthy townspeople who used the car for pleasure tours, farmers and country doctors, in particular, benefited from the mobile power source.

Technology assessment – a look into the future

The sociology of technology focuses on the social processes of technology construction and thus contributes to a deeper understanding of the interaction between technology and society. It also shows design options. It makes sense to think intensively about the possible social consequences of technology in the early stages of technical innovations. This is where the technology assessment comes in: It develops future scenarios – with the participation of experts and laypersons – and tries to anticipate possible opportunities and risks of new technology.

The Confidence in Online Money Transfers

The remittance industry is growing at an extremely fast rate. If you will observe your community, then you’ll definitely find a number of remittance centers that are easily accessible. The great thing about their services is that, you can send and receive money using their service or at times, deposit money to your online account that is then used for online gambling in QQ Online or any other online activities that you are into.

Perhaps, it made you ask yourself how do these businesses are able to do it? How money transfer works, how it is sent, is it secure and safe and how the online payments are performed?

A Short Trip to Memory Lane

To start with it, it is vital to have a little bit of background regarding money transfer business. As a matter of fact, this industry started way, way back the 1800s. Someone might be sitting for thousands of miles and send messages via telegram. During this period, money transfer businesses are primarily dependent on these telegrams in order to communicate about the cash that’s being sent and received.

The process is entirely simple but it is somewhat cumbersome because it needs both the receiver and sender to be present in the telegram office. Then as time advances, technology improves and so goes with the money transfer service. Now, it is as what we know today.

Innovation and Development

Sending money over the web is basically just the online version of the traditional way of wiring money. Money transfer businesses or banks are using electronic fund transfers or EFT in order to send money. Simply speaking, they don’t send the tangible form of money instead, they are sending data that is representing the amount. Sending money overseas or making an international payment become faster that it just needs minutes and you’re done. With fast internet, instantaneous exchange of data, money is being delivered smoothly wherever it has to be.

The Question about Security

While this service is extremely common nowadays, still there is the question of security and safety. After all, the internet can be hacked and sending of financial data could be cracked by hackers. But this should not be a problem for it’s been dealt with already. Money is being transferred online using secured layers of coding; this makes the entire process to be safe. Simply speaking, the data sent over the web is encrypted several times that it becomes illogical for hackers. Once it reaches its destination, it will be decoded and represents the actual amount.

Simple Explanations on How APIs Work

Most online consumers have encountered the term API and are quite interested to find out more; beyond the technical jargon of what the acronym stands for: Application Programming Interface.

First off, API is a product that is usually offered to developers of applications or resource platforms that will allow the offering of a specific product or service to consumers by way of digital technology.

Know that the term interface refers to a program that enables mobile app user to connect to a platform from which they are requesting a service. An API allows communication between the app user’s device and a specific service provider’s platform.

Simple Example of How APIs Work

The simplest example is when a user of a Facebook Messenger app wants to send a message to other FB Messenger users. The API acts as the conduit or intermediary program that will connect the requesting party to Facebook’s Messenger platform. Upon receipt of the request, the FB platform will in turn, process the request, whilst making sure that only those authorized to connect to that particular Messenger app can send back responses, which the API forwards to the requesting party. .

Why API is Important for Mobile App Developers and Resource Providers

Since APIs are products in the form of program codes offered to app developers and resource platforms, the quality of the API integrated as part of the program or software is of great importance. The API can promote active use of the mobile application, especially when users find it easy to engage in the quickest time possible and in the safest of environments.

APIs can influence customer experience and can become a deciding factor for app users to continue using the stores or the service providers to which their app is connected.

The industry benchmark in determining the quality of the API that sends out communications between app user and resource platforms is the level of user retention, or the percentage of users who return and engage through the app within three months, from the very first session.

Still, it is important to note that brands tend to set their own standards of customer engagement and retention, as metrics to follow when choosing the mobile apps and resource platforms.

Some of the major technology companies that offer APIs are Google, Amazon, Expedia, eBay and Salesforce, because their platforms are connected to the most popular commercial markets. .

Technology Trends Driving The Finance Industry

New technologies have long defined the future of the banking sector. The biggest challenge is figuring out which of these developments will be most relevant to a particular company. We are at a crucial turning point. The observation of technology trends in the financial industry has never been more important. The strong competition from fintech companies and high-tech giants has increased consumer expectations within the industry. Since then, banks and credit unions have invested heavily in the use of new technologies to develop successful future strategies.

Technology trends in financial services

Looking for the best CFD brokers in the fintech industry? Use cfd broker comparison to help you choose the right broker for you.

Machine learning in the financial industry

Many banks are faced with the immense problem of keeping up with fintechs, as they can usually adapt to changes much faster and more agile than the big financial institutions. On the other hand, the established banks have more experience and data that they can use. This means that banks can reduce costs, deepen customer relationships and make compliance more efficient by using powerful AI and machine learning. Numerous financial institutions are now using machine learning to optimize all work processes (from risk analysis and fraud detection to marketing) in order to make data-driven decisions.

Cloud-based service models

The demand for cloud-based solutions is increasing. The near future promises cloud infrastructure as a standard web server environment and as a go-to environment for companies, also to accelerate digitalization in the banking sector. Cloud-based service models offer a realistic way to increase your own value creation potential and reduce complexity and costs. Banks are already using Amazon Web Services and other well-known cloud providers for efficient email management, human resources, software development and testing, customer relationship management and other tasks. Even if these are not directly related to the core business of banks, many shareholders assume that it will not be too long before almost all financial institutions will use the cloud for their basic services.

Open Banking

The concept of open banking for financial services is based on several principles:

  • Introduction of open APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) with which external developers can develop applications and services for financial institutions
  • Faster, simpler and more efficient financial services for customers
  • The implementation of these principles through the application of open source technologies
  • Data sharing is usually done through an API, an intelligent connection that enables the data flow between systems.

APIs can implement the formatting of the data derived from a software application in order to insert it unchanged into the next application.

What does this mean for the consumer? Open banking allows account holders to switch from one provider to another much easier to get the best conditions.

Intelligent anti-fraud solutions

The challenges of cyber security have become an everyday struggle for banks. Research shows a clear increase in hacked and publicly available data coming from common sources such as mobile devices and IoT devices.

Cyber attacks are nothing new to banks. An increase in attacks suggests that conventional solutions are no longer sufficient. Analysis technologies are becoming more and more precise in identifying areas and activities where there is an increased risk. Banks that succeed in detecting fraudulent transactions or cyber attacks will also be able to build more trusting relationships with their customers in the long term.

Voice Banking

Intelligent voice interfaces enable real-time communication and interaction between human users and a virtual assistant. This makes it easier to use hands-free devices and to respond quickly to questions and problems. Market leaders in private and mobile consumption include Siri, Cortana, Alexa and Google Assistant. Voice banking in particular is a perfect solution for older and restricted customers to avoid complications on the way to a local bank. Top fintech companies are increasingly developing APIs that voice assistants can skillfully integrate into banking systems to drive efficient voice banking.

Digital Banking

The digital bank is no longer a vision of the future. More and more financial institutions are replacing their physical branches with purely digital offers, thus meeting the requirements for new customer communication. This must be fast, interactive, personal and available everywhere. This turns into a risk that traditional banks have successfully relied on for decades. Financial institutions should therefore also develop efficient startup relationship management programs in order to use the technical know-how of fintechs for the development of digital solutions.

Finance has created more innovative products and services than ever before. In order to keep up with the agile pace and discover competitive advantages at an early stage, banks should continuously monitor their corporate environment and examine them for risks and opportunities.

Handling Your Financials with Greater Ease Using Finance Apps

It is imperative to have effective and efficient control of our cash flow and if we are at an urgent need, fortunately for us that we can use the loan services from https://långuiden.no. On the other hand, if our ancestors were able to create and program state-of-the-art accounting systems in monitoring their expenses and earning. But today, things were different as situations become a lot simpler and there are various personal financial applications that can help.

As a matter of fact, there’s already decent number of applications that you can find over the web. However, with the right measures and steps taken, you can get the chance of joining market leaders. What you should do is to develop a financial application that ticks all the boxes:

  • Security
  • Useful features and;
  • Intuitive

Financial management applications have set its place in the market and many people have been using these apps to gain control of their cash flow cycle. The truth is, we must be glad to experience this level of comfort and convenience it brings. For back in the old times, what a person would do in app has to be done by hand.

With the introduction of smartphones, it enabled computing of expenses be done on the go. In fact, creating an app these days is easier too with some allowing you to have drag and drop options. Basically, if you wish to turn it as another source of profit, you can do too. But in such a case, it is essential to think of the requirements that people will have, their expectations from the app and so forth.

Functions and Types of Financial Applications

Financial management apps are designed to carry out specific tasks and simplify what seem to be complex procedures into an easy to understand process. Regardless, the primary goal is to assist users in managing their budget. Additionally, you should know that these apps come in two variations, but all of these programs can be broken down into 2 categories:

  1. Simple applications that are requiring manual data entry and;
  2. Complex services that are automating entry process

Simple Finance Application

As mentioned, it’s the simply financial management app. Here, the user has to input all their spending habits by hand. These apps will be monitoring the expenses and categorizing them such as transportation, groceries, utilities and everything in between.

Complex Finance Application

This is the upgraded version of your typical finance application. Here, the user’s account as well as bank account is connected to the program where it automatically receives data from every transaction.

DoJ to Probe Anomalies in PPP Stimulus Loan Grants

Cases of potential fraud regarding Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loans surfaced, after JP Morgan Chase granted SMB loans to disqualified publicly traded clients. As a result, stimulus loan applications of about 220,000 eligible SMB loan applicants were left out of the funds released as economic relief for small businesses.

Last April, burger restaurant giant Shake Shack was forced to return a $10 million PPP loan intended only for small businesses .as gesture of mistake made in good faith. sis. Other companies, such as Potbelly Sandwich Shop, and Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse chain , are yet to announce that they intent carry out similar actions. The two big companies had also received approval for a $10 million and $20 million loans, respectviely, from JP Morgan Chase despite their ineligibility to receive the stimulus package.

JP Morgan Chase Said Other Applicants Have to Wait for New Congress-Approved Funds

At first JP Morgan Chase, through the company’s spokesperson said that although the money loaned out will be returned by the aforementioned companies, the bank will not be able to release new loans until Congress authorizes the release of new funds.


Now that the Department of Justice has launched investigations of circumstances surrounding JP Morgan’s release of PPP loans to non-SMBs, the bank recently announced that the Small Business Administration has  provided an additiomal $15 billion, to fund PPP loan applications of around 239,000 SMBs..


SBA to Review Applications of Businesses that Received Funding

As part of its administrative role, the Small Business Administration said that corollary to the DoJ’s investigations, the agency will review who among the recipients do not qualify as PPP borrowers,


The government agency also announced that those who are aware that they are not qualified, can return the money and be considered as having acted in good faith. However, the offer of clemency is good only up to May 07, 2020.

A Volunteer In The U.S. Receives First Vaccine For Covid19

The whole world is alarmed about the spread of the corona disease and the impact it has done on financial markets. Many small and medium scale businesses have been severely affected, with the increase and demand and the decrease and supply, the worse is yet to come. Governments are coming up with financial support for these businesses to recuperate through a low-interest quick loan and other financial assistance programs such as grants.

While world leaders are putting their heads together to put order and reduce panic among people, researchers and scientists are doing their part to come up with a vaccine to put a stop to this pandemic. 

The clinical test for a possible vaccine against the coronavirus has started at a research institute in Seattle. 45 healthy volunteers are to be injected with the product in its first test phase. A warning that ibuprofen would exacerbate the lung disease Covid-19 is currently circulating on social networks. There is currently no evidence of this.

As an increasing number of people get infected with covid19 coronavirus, scientists are starting to know more about the newest pathogen as well as its impact. Many conclusions are just preliminary and will be verified, supplemented, or even modified with time.

Clinical trial for vaccine starts in the United States

Several laboratories worldwide are currently researching vaccines against Covid-19. In the USA, a volunteer has now received a possible vaccination test for the first time. That was part of the first phase of the clinical trial at a research institute in the northwest metropolis of Seattle, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which belongs to the US Department of Health, said on Monday. 45 healthy volunteers between 18 and 55 are expected to take the test in the coming weeks.

The vaccine called “mRNA-1273” is being developed together with the private biotechnology company Moderna. The first test phase could be started in “record time”, said Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases. The entire process of developing a vaccine is still expected to take at least one to a year and a half, according to Fauci.

Does ibuprofen harm?

Avoid drinking certain medications to prevent infection: There are currently a number of unsecured messages circulating on social networks that unsettle many people. French minister of health said on Twitter that ibuprofen can make coronavirus contamination even worse. If there are indications of fever, the patient should take in paracetamol.

The national health director in France also said to stay away from taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Furthermore, aside from ibuprofen, these band of substances includes acetylsalicylic acid or otherwise referred to as ASA (aspirin) as well as diclofenac.

The BNITM – Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine adds that a link concerning taking NSAIDs and cases of Covid-19 has not yet been established: “We know little about the pathogenesis of the Sars virus – CoV-2. There is no clinical data on this yet. ”

Rumors On Social Media Regarding Ibuprofen

Rumors on social media are circulating that ibuprofen also increases the susceptibility to infection with the coronavirus. The allegation is supported by an alleged study by the University of Vienna. The university made it clear on Twitter that the allegation was fake news and had nothing to do with the educational institution. The Austrian Ministry of Health also declared the report to be a false claim.

As people all over the world are waiting anxiously about what researchers and scientists have found out, what medications to take to fight the virus, rumors wouldn’t do anything good but instead increase the stress that the whole world is going through now. Leaders of all nations are now asking media and others active on social media to stop spreading alarming news without any evidence to prove it.

The Coronavirus Sets Off Panic Sales Within The US Stock Exchange

In the midst of the virus panic, the wall street is experiencing a considerable crash. The Dow Jones suffers from an ongoing daily loss following the financial crisis. On top of the concern for further economic impact, the downturn in oil prices has the biggest effect on U.S. stock prices.

The coronavirus spread and a huge slump on the global oil market had directly affected the U.S. stock market to fall. Over a couple of weeks ago, the Dow already lost close to 11%, specifically because of the approaching outcomes of the corona epidemic on the global economy. NASDAQ 100 decreased from 6.83% to 7,948.03. Following panic sales, the share trading was disturbed for about 15 minutes. Within the first minutes of trading, price fluctuations were so great that it resulted in the exchange to temporarily stop trading.

Coronavirus stokes fears on Wall Street

On top of the impact of the coronavirus on the global economy, falling oil prices also add to the tension. The oil market experienced its worst price plunge nearly 30 years after the failure of major oil-state production cut negotiations. OPEC Petroleum Cartel and its alliance’s negotiating partners failed to reach an agreement on the new contract. Saudi Arabia is now trying to increase its oil production.

Price Plummets in the Energy Industry

Because of this, the historic price decline in the US energy industry began. Prices have fallen over the years, according to papers from large companies such as Western Petroleum, Schlumberger, and Halliburton. Chevron and Exxon Mobil representing Dow Jones, fell 12.2% and 15.4%, correspondingly. ConocoPhillips decreased by nearly 25%.

Commercial bank commodity expert Carsten Fritsch talks about “Black Monday in the oil sector.” Saudi Arabia launched a new price battle by announcing higher production and lower prices making great impact on stock changes all over the U.S. and even the best dividend stocks Canada. The oil market was endangered by a large oversupply in the second quarter, and the demand, especially from the Covid 19 epidemic, could still be seriously affected in the future.

Bank stocks likewise encountered above-average loss. In the Dow Jones Industrial Average, JPMorgan decreased by 13.7% and Goldman Sachs by 10.4%. Also, stock market players testified to the financial market turmoil impacting the U.S. financial market. Meanwhile, UBS analyst Saul Martinez pointed out that the U.S. financial industry is offering steep loans to oil industry risks.

Investors Are Relying On Security

China’s economic data in connection with the Covid-19 virus demonstrate economic results. In the country where the outbreak occurred, the new coronavirus paralyzed public life for many weeks compared to the same month when exports in January and February plummeted a year ago. There are rumors that the U.S. government is working on aid plans for the US economy to alleviate the economic impact.

Setting a trend in the U.S. bond market, 10-year government bonds raised overall percentage points with a yield of 0.57%. Therefore, bond yields, considered the most important bonds in the world, have halved since mid-February.

The euro gave up some profits in the US trade process following the closing of the US stock market. Previously, the regular currency rose to the highest level of $ 1.15 since the start of last year.

Underscoring the Significance of Underwriting Using AI-Enhanced Technologies

The importance of accurate financial information is underscored, whenever businesses seek additional capitalization, either from banking institutions or potential investors. However, business owners should understand that banks and other financial institutions base a great part of their decision on the results of the underwriting process.

What is Underwriting

Underwriting is a key function that is ever-present in the financial world, because it entails the assessment of risks posed by an individual or a business entity, either as a borrower or as an investment prospect. Although banking institutions and venture capitalists make funds available in exchange for fees, it is important for decision makers to know the degree of risks involved.


That way, in case the borrower fails to settle the loan or the entity fails to deliver the promised return on investment, the funds provider can recover, even in part, the amount loaned out or supplied as capital investment.

The Underwriting Process in the 21st Century

Business owners should have awareness that the underwriting process in the 21st Century no longer rely on simple financial reporting, even if supported by certifications issued by external auditors.

Lessons have been learned from the 2008 Financial Crisis, in which companies like Enron resorted to manipulating financial information, in covering up the fact that they had more debts than assets to present to banks and potential investors.

Through interconnected network systems, developers of technology built databases from which real-time data can be collected, analyzed and interpreted for report generation.

To eliminate the tediousness and inaccuracies of manual underwriting processes, improvements in financial technologies saw the creation of Artificial Intelligence or AI.

Now, providers of underwriting services use financial technologies that not only collect and analyze data for comparative analysis and financial projections. They now have AI-enhanced financial software that can also apply machine learning in establishing patterns. Such patterns or trends are useful in determining the accuracy of good or bad applications.

Some underwriting AIs have the capaability to link countless numbers of structured and unstructured data, which the machine can smartly transform into contextual data that can be used for accurate underwriting.

Trading like a Real Pro

Does it cross your mind for once on how you can take advantage of technical indicators when trading? Simply speaking, technical trading is something that involves evaluating the charts and making decisions as per indicators and patterns. Such patterns come in shapes like candlesticks on chart and can provide valuable information on the potential trend of a price.

Major Indicators to be Aware of

Indicators are either overlays or additions on the chart that’s providing additional info using mathematical calculations on both volume and price. Apart from that, it tells you where the price would likely go, which is a critical factor when making trades; should you Call or Put? These indicators would give you the signals.

As a matter of fact, there are 4 major kinds of FOREX indicators used and these are:

  1. Trend
  2. Momentum
  3. Volume
  4. Volatility

Trend Indicator

Trend indicators would tell which direction the market moves in, especially if there’s a trend happening. Sometimes, these are referred to as oscillators as they have the tendency to move between low and high values similar to a wave. Trending indicators include Parabolic SAR, MACD or Moving Average Convergence Divergence as well as parts of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo.

Momentum Indicator

Then there is the Momentum indicator.

With such, it can inform you on how strong a trend is and at the same time, tell you whether a reversal would occur.

These could be very useful in picking out price bottoms and tops. These indicators also include:

  • RSI or Relative Strength Index
  • ADX or Average Directional Index
  • Ichimoku Kinko Hyo and;
  • Stochastic

Volume Indicator

As for Volume indicators, it is perfect if you wanted to know how volume changes overtime, how many bitcoin units are sold and bought. This is extremely useful whenever price changes and if the volume has given indication of how strong the movement is.

Under this indicator include Chaikin Money Flow, On-Balance Volume as well as Klinger Volume Oscillator.

Volatility Indicator

Last but not the least is going to be the Volatility indicator. In the event that you want to know how much changed happened in a given period, then this is what you should opt for. Volatility is extremely important and without this, there is no way how traders can make money. The price needs to move for everyone to make money.

With this in mind, higher volatility is an indication that there’s faster change in pricing. It lets you know about the direction and range of prices.

Should You Consider Using Crypto Bots for Trading?

Crypto trading bots keep on evolving and improving. Almost every year, its functionality and sophistication is becoming more advanced, all thanks the new players that are penetrating the market. This is why finding out what is the best Bitcoin trading bot becomes quite a challenge for many.

But why these bots are so popular if you may ask? In essence, these bots are programs that are using indicators in recognizing trends and then, executing trades automatically. While the algorithmic trading software are used for various purposes like currency markets, commodity and equity, trading bots for private investors had made its first appearance in FOREX trading market. Since then, they’ve exploded in application and made way in crypto market.

What’s Yours?

Given the fact that these bots are extremely popular these days, it is easy to find tons of cryptocurrency trading bots that are now on offer.

They are ranging from software that anyone could use to premium subscription-based bots made for professional crypto traders. On the other hand, even the most trading bots are varying in terms of usability, quality and profitability.

So what are your options with regards to trading bots? Here’s a brief list of some of the most trusted bots by traders.


This has built a name in the market by enabling traders execute automated trades on multiple cryptocurrencies including:

  • Bittrex
  • BitFinex
  • Binance
  • Bitstamp
  • KuCoin
  • Poloniex
  • GDAX
  • Cryptopia
  • Huobi and
  • YoBiT

3Commas are providing user-friendly navigation web-based dashboard allowing traders to see their trades on supported exchanges. The cost to use trading bot will range from 30 to 100 dollars which depend on the features that the user demands.


This is actually a new trading bot in the market that claims to be the first decentralized AI trading app made for cryptocurrency. Auton.io is providing a simple trading platform both for amateur and professional traders. It also combines various indicators in order to generate trade signals that the traders could then use to make trades automatically. Auton.io is a premium service that will cost traders 50 dollars a month.


If you are searching for cloud-based trading bot, then this is the one you need. Seasoned traders may take a manual approach and configure the trading as per the technical indicators they see fit. The bot is also offering backtesting, trade using different exchanges and trailing stop loss. Using the bot is free for the first month but it has a tiered subscription after that which cost anywhere from 19 to 99 dollars.