Tips For Getting Your Business Funded

Starting or expanding a business is an exciting and long-term process. Finding the necessary financing to take your business to the next level can often be a major stumbling block. Many lenders are skeptical of young companies. This article, therefore, discusses ways to get external financing for your business and we conclude with some short tips to pitch your business plan to the lender. Financing your business is often an important step towards a better company.

Since the banking crisis of 2007, confidence in banks has declined sharply. In response to this, the popularity of P2P (peer-to-peer) platforms has skyrocketed. These platforms act independently of traditional financial institutions and serve as a meeting place for entrepreneurs and potential investors. A good crowdfunding campaign with a well-thought-out business plan can be a very effective way to raise capital. Investors of all sizes such as ‘Robert Lewandowski Bitcoin’ can invest an amount of their choice in your company and thus provide your plans with the necessary financial support.

Private investors
Angel Investors (also known as Business Angels) are private investors who want to invest (part of) their equity in a start-up company in exchange for 20 to 25 percent profit on their initial investment. These are often successful former entrepreneurs who are willing to provide knowledge and expertise in addition to capital. Only if your company is a BV or NV, you can therefore attract such professional investors. Informal investors offer money in exchange for shares. They will therefore like to remain intensively involved in the business process even after the start. Depending on your personal expectations, this can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. Be aware of your interest (the company) and that of the investor (the return) and try to build an open and personal relationship with your lenders.

Personal capital
You may not think that this form of financing is very creative, but you might be surprised at the number of starters who have not thought of saving a nice amount before starting their business, or who wouldn’t think of using their own savings to start a business. Very few investors are willing to offer money when they see that you are not willing to put your hand in the fire for your cause. Financing your business often starts with investing the money yourself.

Advance Financing
The most common scaling problem that start-ups face is the inability to take a large new order or expand due to unforeseen success, as they do not have the capital to finance the product or expansion. With PIN Advance you have extra money that is immediately available. This way you can transfer all the necessary resources directly to the supplier and the profit can flow directly to your startup.

Starters BMKB
Have you been active as an entrepreneur for less than three years? Do you have a well-thought-out business plan, but do you currently not have collateral to provide the bank with sufficient security? Then the bank with which you want to apply for a business loan can use the Starters BMKB. This is a special government scheme to help start-ups when it comes to financing their business. If you take out a ‘starter loan’ of a maximum of 266,667 euros, the government guarantees 67.5% of this amount. Do you need more capital? Then you can also use a standard surety credit.