Most people around the globe look into taking out a loan for different intents. Some loan for business startup or operation costs, some for educational purposes, for paying off debts, or for other personal use. At times, people take out a loan because of insufficient funds to settle expenditures that are unforeseen. The American Pride Legal Funding, for instance, offer loans for vehicular accident settlement. People do find such loans quite beneficial.
In fact, the market on personal loans has attained a record high in 2018, as the promising industry of financial technology has made financial services through mobile apps more convenient and accessible to consumers.
The Growing Fintech Companies
As per data by TransUnion and reported on CNBC, the market on personal loan has gone up to 138 billion US dollars in 2018, an increase of 17% year over year. Lending through fintech comprises 38% of personal loans altogether, an increase from only 5% in 2013. This indicates that fintech companies are growing.
By means of making use of innovative techs, companies of fintech are providing modified or tailored products that are low-cost, which brings about a considerable bearing on the increasing expectations of customers, together with the intensifying pressure on firms that are traditional.
The Department of Treasury of the United States issued a report in July wherein it states that over 3,300 companies of fintech began from 2010 to 2018 wherein investments in these fintech startups are speedily growing. Fintech companies’ worldwide investments in 2017 arrive at 22 billion US dollars. Fintech companies are the major mover of the growth of the market of personal loan.
Debt in the American Household
Many Americans are buried in debt, with increasingly more individuals incapable of settling them. Debt on student loan in 2018 arrived at a new high of 1.5 trillion US dollars; next to it is debt on auto loan at 1.1 trillion US dollars, and debt on credit card at 977 billion US dollars. As per Forbes, the average sum of debt that an American household has is 133,568 US dollars.
For individuals borrowing loans that are subprime, either due to poor credit score/history or low-income, the dangers are the greatest in the event of an economic crisis or collapse. As reported by TransUnion, these borrowers, who put their occupations or work hours on the line is likewise rising rapidly at 4.3% year over year.
Technology-based Solutions
The high utilization of mobile devices as well as solutions that are technology-based is driving the need for banking and financial solutions, wherein personal mobile devices are used to access such solutions. Because of this, financial institutions and companies are greatly capitalizing in solutions that are technology-based to measure up with modern companies of fintech.
A vast majority of worldwide banks, investment managers, as well as insurers are intending to collaborate and partner with companies of fintech through the next three to five years, and are expecting to have an average of 20% ROI on their ventures.